We accept the following payment methods for online orders via a secure server: Website Features: Breastfeeding Articles and Links Breastfeeding Support Services Comments from our Clients and Visitors Birth Photography and Videography Services We Offer at KonzaBaby Shipping and Ordering Information Tails of a bovine midwife-Maurenne's Cow/Calf Stories
What's New on the KonzaBaby WebsiteMay 11, 2001 Check our our press release about our doula services. April 12, 2001 I have added more information on my breastfeeding and breast pumps pages in recent weeks. I've been busy with cows, calves and conferences so I've done a lot more updates than I have documented here. February 8, 2001 I haven't done the best job of keeping up with this page as there is now over 43 pages and almost as many images on what started as a very simple site! I've updated the products, links and services pages and we've been busy with cattle as well (one of the reasons I haven't kept up with this page). I've added 2 new stories to the Tails of a Bovine Midwife page. December 13, 2000-I added a number of articles today on pregnancy and herbs. November 30, 2000-I've done a lot of work that I have not chronicled here so here it is in a nutshell. I've added new articles and some photos to the About Us and the Contact Us pages October 25, 2000-I've added a number of doula pages as well as a forum for anyone to post questions or commentary about pregnancy and childbirth. October 16, 2000-I fixed my graphics problems with a little help from another WAHM on our AP-Biz discussion list. Thanks Amy! I also added an articles page. For now, it includes a link to my website at Suite101.com. October 13, 2000-We added "Human Click", an interactive Java Script to the KonzaBaby site. Human Click enables us to chat with you while you are online at our site if you have any questions about our site our services or our products. It makes the website more interactive for our visitors and adds the human touch to our site, which is what KonzaBaby is all about. We also added a "Text
Gear" Java Script to some of our pages. Text Gear allows us to
put different words of wisdom, tips, factoids, or quotes on our page every time
our page loads in your browser. We also added a contact
page and a links page. October 12,2000-We added more information about the comprehensive perinatal services we provide to our community by creating a page for each service offered. October, 11, 2000-We launched our website at tripod.com. How did you build your site? We get this question a lot. We use Microsoft FrontPage 2000 to design the site. Tripod, our web host, provides the banner advertisements at the top of each page. They also offer some of the Java Scripts you see on some of our pages. Why do you have hardly any graphics on your pages? For now, I've kept the graphics down to a minimum so that the pages load fast. My Gateway 2000 computer is now 3 years old and I'm sure there are other people in the same boat where their computers are slow or their connections are slow. Many of our visitors live in rural areas of Kansas where the older copper phone lines slow down their connection speeds. My friend Cheryl, who lives just north of Chapman, Kansas, had a party line until just a few years ago. Fiber optics have not made it everywhere in Kansas yet! For more information, please contact us. Updated 05/11/2001 Copyright 1998-2000 KonzaBaby. All Rights Reserved. |