Bovine Uterine
An almost certain death for women, almost
commonplace in Hereford cows. All you need is a trash bag, epidural
anesthesia, some umbilical tape with a needle and a fast veterinarian to
fix the problem.
Uterine prolapses occur at or shortly after
calving. Many times they occur with a difficult birth. The uterus is
literally pulled through the birth canal with the calf or the afterbirth and
again exposed to the weather elements, potential injury, and certainly
infectious agents.
Miss Piggy had a rough time birthing her 89 pound
heifer. It seemed like she had been pushing for at least 30 minutes with
little progress. She was giving all she had but she needed a little help.
had kind of expected that we would have some calving problems as our heifers had
been bred to our bull Victor, who was about 2000 pounds and had weighed 95
pounds at birth himself.
As I held her tail to keep her from kicking Carl,
he looped each of the OB chains around the calf's front hocks and attached the
handles to the chains. He pulled as she pushed with a contraction and
realized quickly that it was going to take both of us pulling and Miss Piggy
pushing with all her might to help her birth this calf.
We got her to lay down in the hay in our calving
shed. She was so tired. We sat down behind her beside each other in
the hay, each of us having an OB handle in our hands. After 5 or 6 good
contractions and pulling, she birthed a hefty calf...and a hefty placenta and
membranes, and her hefty, tired uterus, turned inside out, right behind
it. We tried to replace it but it wasn't going back in.
Fortunately, the calf was doing well and as Carl
attended to the calf, I was calling our large animal vet, Dr. Jacobsen.
When he arrived, he and Carl helped her sit up almost like a dog would sit and
tied her back legs to the calving shed. We placed a clean garbage bag
underneath her uterus, which was bigger than a basketball. We used warm
water with some betadine to cleanse the hay, manure and other accoutrements from
her uterus.
Dr. Jacobsen administered some epidural anesthesia
to Miss Piggy. He used 10 mL of Lidocaine inserted just above her tailhead
into the epidural space. It worked pretty quickly. In a few minutes,
he and Carl had pushed her uterus back inside. Dr. Jacobsen then stitched
her vulva shut with a large needle and some umbilical tape. This keeps her
uterus from falling back out. He also administered some IM oxytocin to
keep her uterus well contracted and some Penicillin to prevent infection. Other
than this complication, Miss Piggy's postpartum course went well.
Uterine prolapses, when repaired by proper
veterinary attention, can have a very successful result. Cows with
properly cared for uterine prolapses are no more likely than others to have a
prolapse next year.
Because of the trauma, possible infection, and
recovery time, cows with a uterine prolapse may take longer to re-conceive for
the next year's calf. This often means that these cows will be late-bred
or non-pregnant at weaning time when pregnancy checks are made. This may
be a viable reason for culling these cows, but keeping pregnant cows that
have experienced a uterine prolapse is not a bad risk.
I'm happy to say that Miss Piggy, who is always
happy to see me when I have food, is expecting her second calf this March.
Updated 02/08/2001
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