Pregnancy Books
I've listed these books in alphabetical order. When you click on a
link , it will take you to Amazon's website where you can get more information
about the book, including pricing, ordering and shipping information. And
remember, proceeds from your purchase helps fund the purchase of new references
forour lending library of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and parenting books.
Active Birth by Janet Balaskas
This book encourages women to move around during their labors for more comfort.
It gives great advice on acheiving a more comfortable pregnancy and birth.
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Aromatherapy for Pregnancy and Childbirth by Margaret Fawcett
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Babies and Other Hazards of Sex by Dave Barry
Having babies isn't all work... Dave Barry shed a humourous light on a hard
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Birth at Home by Shelia Kitzinger
Deciding to give birth at home can leave you with many questions, this books has
many of those answers.
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Birth After Cesarean by Dr. Bruce Flamm
Dr. Flamm is the author of many of the VBAC safety studies, this makes his book
fresh in medical information, yet aimed at the consumer. It is written in a nice
Q & A format.
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Birth As An American Rite of Passage by Dr. Robbie Davis-Floyd
A theory book on why birth in the United States has come to the place it is,
written by an anthropologist.
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Birth Over Thirty-five by Shelia Kitzinger
One of the few books to address pregnancy over 35, written by a popular
childibrth author and educator.
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Birthing From Within by Pam England, Rob Horowitz
A revolutionary look at childbirth, a self-taught childbirth class of amazing
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Boy or Girl? 50 Fun Ways to Find Out by Penny Carter
A cute book, great for a gift or for a baby shower. It uses old wive's tales to
determine the sex of your unborn baby.
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Mothering the New Mother by Sally Placksin NEW EDITION!
A straight forward book about postpartum, for mothers by mothers. Great use of
individual stories and accounts. Click
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Mothering the New Mother by Sally Placksin
A straight forward book about postpartum, for mothers by mothers. Great use of
individual stories and accounts. Click
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A Child is Born by Lennart Nilsson
The ultimate "picture" book in childbirth. You have loved his photos,
now they are available in a pregnancy book!
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Having Your Baby with a Nurse Midwife by Elizabeth Parr , Catherine M.
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The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Shelia KitzingerA
fascinating and informative book. I especially enjoyed the beautiful
photography that went along with the peaceful, entertaining, and informative
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The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-to-be by Brott &
A book designed for dads-to-be, answering your questions and quelling your
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Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper & Suzanne ArmsIf you are
considering using water for labor and birth, this book is a must read!
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Good Birth, Safe Birth by Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer
A consumer's guide to birth in the 90s. A primer in choices for birth and how to
decide what you want and how to get those choices.
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How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby by Landrun Shettles & David Rorvik
For those of you who wish to choose the sex of your child this method claims an
87% success rate!
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The Labor Progress Handbook by Penny Simpkin and Ruth Ancheta This
is a well organized, clearly written and meticulously documented book that
gives birth professionals and women in general a systematic, practical basis to
prevent, diagnose, and treat poor progress in labor. Approaching dystocia
(difficult labor) holistically, the authors consider the effects of the woman's
emotional state, her environment, and the impact of hospital or caregiver
policies and attitudes in addition to the standard "powers, passage,
passenger" explanation for labor progress. This book is woman
centered, with the laboring woman as the active agent in resolving
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Metabolic Toxemia of Late Pregnancy by Dr. Thomas H. Brewer
A breakthrough book on preventing and treating this disease of pregnancy.
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Motherhood After Miscarriage by Kathleen Diamond
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Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier &
Healthier Birth by John H. Kennell , Phyllis H. Klaus , Marshall H. Klaus
For consumers and professionals, this book about doulas and professional labor
support can enlighten and entertain you. By the authors of the doula studies!
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Natural Pregnancy by Janet Balaskas
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No More Morning Sickness by Miriam Erick RD
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Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities by Henci Goer
A fabulous collection that challenges choices in obstetrics that may be the
norm with medical reseach.
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Open Season: A Survival Guide for Natural Birth and VBAC in the 90's by
Nancy Wainer Cohen
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The Pregnancy Book by Dr. William and Martha Sears
A fantastic combination of a pregnancy journal and practical pregnancy advice.
Developed in a month-by-month guide, it includes sections on fetal growth,
medical tests and guides, and resources to name a few.
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Pregnancy Massage by Bette Waters
A great book on massage during pregnancy, with simple instructions and a
great discussion of the benefits.
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The Pregnant Woman's Comfort Book by Jennifer Louden
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Pregnancy Bedrest by Susan H. Johnston , Deborah A. Kraut
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Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn by Janet Whalley, Penny Simkin,
& Keppler
This book covers a lot of ground, quickly and accurately. It has great visual
aids and charts for quick comprehension and planning.
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Pregnancy Day by Day: The Expectant Mother's Journal by Shelia Kitzinger
A great journal with space for thoughts and thought provoking question, aside
blurbs of information that are valuable for every pregnant woman.
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Silent Knife: Cesarean Prevention & VBAC by Nancy Wainer Cohen &
Lois Estner
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Silent Sorrow: Pregnancy Loss by Perry-Lynn Moffit
After suffering many losses myself, I have read many loss books, this is by
far the best. It not only covers information on loss, but includes sections on
grieving, planning a ceremony and covers different types of loss.
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Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin
One of my personal favorites, Spiritual Midwifery contains many birth stories.
It is also a great birth primer for midwives or anyone interested in birth.
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Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
An excellent resource for anyone trying to achieve or avoid a pregnancy.
Includes great pictures, stories, and charts!
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Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
Up-to-date information on the newest and oldest inc hildbirth. Quick factual
references on many topic of debate in the obstetrical world today. A must for
every woman.
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The Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Experience: Birth Stories by Lynn
Baptisti Richards
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Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: The Smart Woman's Guide to VBAC by
Elizabeth Kaufmann
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Vegetarian Pregnancy by Sharon Yntema
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Unassisted Childbirth by Laura Kaplan Shanley
Information and practical advice about having a baby without medical
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Welcoming Your Second Baby by Vicki Lansky
A great book for hints on that extra addition!
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Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susan Weed
This is another personal favorite of mine, which is a collection of herbal
remedies used for different aspects of childbearing, from infertility,
pregnancy complaints, inductions, to postpartum needs. It includes a
section on how to make your own tinctures and brews.
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