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Labor and Birth BooksI've listed these books in alphabetical order. When you click on a link , it will take you to Amazon's website where you can get more information about the book, including pricing, ordering and shipping information. And remember, proceeds from your purchase helps fund the purchase of new references forour lending library of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and parenting books.Active Birth by Janet Balaskas Birth at Home by Shelia Kitzinger Birth Over Thirty-five by Shelia Kitzinger
Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper &
Suzanne ArmsIf you are considering using water for labor and birth, this
book is a must read! Good Birth, Safe Birth by Diana Korte and
Roberta Scaer The Labor Progress Handbook by Penny Simpkin
and Ruth Ancheta This is a well organized,
clearly written and meticulously documented book that gives birth
professionals and women in general a systematic, practical basis to prevent,
diagnose, and treat poor progress in labor. Approaching dystocia (difficult
labor) holistically, the authors consider the effects of the woman's emotional
state, her environment, and the impact of hospital or caregiver policies and
attitudes in addition to the standard "powers, passage, passenger"
explanation for labor progress. This book is woman centered, with the laboring
woman as the active agent in resolving difficulties.
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn by Janet
Whalley, Penny Simkin, & Keppler Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni
Weschler Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by
Henci Goer Unassisted Childbirth by Laura Kaplan Shanley
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