Calving and Feeding
Given I was in my second trimester of my fourth pregnancy, I was going to try just about
anything to reserve my energy stores. Pukey and tired most of the time, I
was a desperate woman. I had heard from a fellow Hereford cattle rancher near
Abilene, KS through my midwife friend Cheryl that feeding your cows in the late
evening could influence the calves to be born during the day. After
a little research, I would there was actually some science behind Dave's claims.
According to a report from the Michigan State
University Extension website, the time of day your cow herd is fed during calving
season has been shown to influence when calves are born.
The data indicate that cows fed at night are more apt to
calve during daylight hours when they can be observed
closely. Gus Konefal, a Hereford breeder in Manitoba, was
the first to recommend this feeding strategy.
Consequently, it has been called the Konefal Method of
daytime calving.
This system involves feeding twice daily,
once at 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon and again at 9:30 p.m. to
10:00 p.m. This regimen starts about one month before the
first calf is born and continues throughout the calving
season. By following this feeding program, Konefal reported
that 80 percent of his cows calved between 7:00 a.m. and
7:00 p.m. Similar results were obtained in a study at Iowa
State University.
These two studies prompted Miles City
researchers to conduct a three-year study on feeding time.
Their results were not as dramatic as those of the earlier
studies. Nevertheless, the percentage of cows calving
between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. was consistently 10 to 20
percent lower for the late-fed than for the early-fed cows.
Similar research conducted at the Brandon Research Station
showed a 13.5 percent reduction in cows calving between
midnight and 7:00 a.m.
Well, I couldn't get Carl to jump on the bandwagon
to try this method and bless his heart, he would stay up until all hours of the
night while the cows labored, letting me sleep until he felt he needed my
assistance. He was more of a bovine midwife than I was! The latest
we helped at a calving was 2am and it was a large calf that had to be
pulled. I wonder if I can convince him this year?
Updated 02/08/2001
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